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Crusader Kings 2 China Mod

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(Redirected from CK2 to EU4 Converter)

Feb 16, 2014  Because China was not involved in the Crusades True. Adding India is already way beyond what the title 'Crusader Kings' suggests. As I think I've said somewhere else before, they should go more in depth instead of just expanding the geography.Type

*Small mod for Crusader Kings II v2.5.2 - Unlocks enatic and enatic/cognatic succession laws for most cultures and also allows women to occupy council positions and be commanders with those laws active, this is also true to true cognatic succession. Also removes most restrictions from seduction focus.

*Crusader Kings 2 China Mod 5; Crusader Kings 2 Wiki.

*11 rows  Aug 28, 2020  Will gain the modifier Sent a relief convoy to China, giving -10% global tax, -30% troop reinforcement rate for 10 years Send a physician: While China is devastated by great epidemics, sending a physician might help to limit the damages caused by the illness in the Emperor's court: Any courtier: Is not married; Is not titled; Is an adult.ToolAuthor(s)StatusSupports CK2 3.3 and EUIV v1.30ForumSteam workshop

This converter will allow you to take a game from the end of CK2 and convert it into a playable EU4 save, continuing your game. It is compatible with the EU4 to Vic2 and Vic2 to HoI4 converters, allowing the player to play a continuous megacampaign from CK2 through HoI4.


*1.3Outgoing ModFeatures[edit]Requirements[edit]

*Crusader Kings II with optional expansions, latest version is required.

*Europa Universalis IV, with optional expansions, latest version is required.Incoming Savegames[edit]

*Converter supports compressed save games.

*Ironman saves are supported.Outgoing Mod[edit]

*Converter will produce an EU 4 mod.

*Using the front-end, the mod will be copied to EU4 mod/ directory located in users' documents, usually C:UsersUserDocumentsParadox InteractiveEuropa Universalis IVmod.

*Without front-end (running the converter manually), mod will be exported to converter's output/ folder, and will have to be moved manually by user.Bookmarks[edit]

*Converter supports two starting bookmarks - 1444.11.11 and the date of conversion. Players starting earlier will have to wait for 1453 to begin with regular tech progression as technology during CK2 era does not change much.

*Starting before 1066 will require the player to embrace Feudalism institution as it canonically starts at 1066.Map conversion[edit]

*Converter tries to alter the map as little as possible against vanilla. If a country's not in scope of CK2, it is untouched. This applies to county histories as well - most countries will have a history (monarchs, leaders, advisors) identical to EU4 if they start at 1444.11.11 bookmark

*For those countries in scope of CK2, conversion treads lightly, only updating necessary elements, eg. which provinces are owned and which not. Converter attempts to be very careful there as well, resolving collisions by looking at which ruler developed their land the most, or has maybe built a great wonder in the province.

*All of the provinces in CK2 have been painstakingly remapped against current EU4 map, and if there are mismapped spots please contact us.Religions and Cultures[edit]

*The religions have been expanded, and EU4 conversion will support most of CK2 religions. These religions are also compatible with EU4toVic2 and Vic2ToHoI4 converters.

*All CK2 religions have both reformed and unreformed variants, and it is possible for a surviving unreformed country to reform their religion within EU4 timeframe.

*Cultures have been expanded greatly, and CK2 cultures are not imported on 1:1 basis - instead they are split up. Italian can break into Tuscan, Lombardian, Umbrian, Venerian and so on, as the converter tries to emulate EU4 style of cultural groups.

*Countries can be named after their Dynasties (though they can retain canonical Tags and have canonical missions and ideas), and some of these dynasties have custom flags. This applies to countries with cultures that support such a renaming.Advisors, Rulers, Queens and Heirs[edit]

*Ruler's councilmen from CK2 are available for hire in EU4 (unless they are too old for EU4 to offer them).

*Rulers are converted ad-verbatim. If a ruler is too young to rule, a regency council will be set up for them.

*Queens (or Prince-consorts) are also imported where possible, to help stabilize the realm at start.

*Heirs are imported where possible. Since the converter does not have access to memory-state of a running CK2 game, it makes educated guesses for some of the more obscure succession choices, so please allow for a wrong heir or a lack of one that can occur sometimes.

*Excommunicated rulers are imported as such.

*Ruler prestige, cash, and possible loan to Jewish moneylenders are all imported but at a logarithmic scale - starting as a relative unknown nets negative starting prestige, while those rulers staring at 500-1000 prestige or more will get a significant boost.

*While starting prestige and cash are determined by EU4 itself, converter will give a boost of up to 100-150 ducats to wealthy nations, and starting prestige modifier from -50 for complete unknowns up to +100 for extremely prestigious rulers.

*Negative cash is not imported.Diplomacy, Vassals, Tributaries and Personal Unions[edit]

*For a christian ruler that holds multiple crowns (of same level), he will find his realm split into multiple states, under a personal union lead by his primary title. The split occurs on de-jure basis, where territory outside any de-jure titles will fall under primary crown.

*Non-christian rulers in the same situation will simply absorb the other crowns.

*Large CK2 vassals, holding inappropriate amounts of provinces (compared to the total country size) will be split off into EU4 vassals at conversion.

*Royal marriages are not imported, and neither are alliances. Unlike CK2, in EU4 diplomatic slots are few and with some of them already taken by vassals and PUs, the converter does not desire to choke the player's diplomatic slots.

*Tributaries are imported on 1:1 basis. All countries regardless of religion can start with those tributaries they had in CK2.Buildings, Development and Wonders[edit]

*The converter does not import any buildings. Only building that is supported at game start is the humble Fort.

*Small countries (but not OPMs or microstates) will only receive a capital fort, while larger ones will receive a fort in every state or territory they mostly control. Player should delete the excess forts if these hamper the economy.

*Unlike buildings, development does map directly against CK2 development. The more castle baronies that exist in a province, and more buildings inside each, more manpower development is received. Similar applies to cities and production, and finally to temples and tax development.

*A single building, or building upgrade is worth 0.1 development points in appropriate category. Barony itself is worth 0.3 development points, and a county can have up to 7 of those.

*Wonders are imported in the same fashion as the official converter does - as permanent province modifiers granting powerful bonuses.HRE and Empire Shattering[edit]

*Entirely player's choice, the HRE can be kept unified or shattered into EU4-style microstates. If shattering is enabled (which is recommended), the converter will carefully choose which tags are to be turned into free cities and electors.

*Elector ratio attempts to match vanilla EU4 - three theocracies (or substitute republics in not enough (arch)bishops are available) and four secular rulers.

*HRE Electors from CK2 are preserved if possible - they need to hold elector duchies and survive the conversion process.

*Which empire is to be the new HRE is also up to the player - player can HRE-ify Byzantium, Rome, or any empire they desire.

*All empires on the map can be shattered into smaller independent kingdoms or duchies, in case the CK2 game was too blobby. Which empires shatter can also be manually set.China[edit]

*China is imported as the ruling dynasty's tag, so a ruling Han dynasty would turn China into HND.

*Western Protectorate is annexed.

*Western Protectorate's tributaries and vassals are transferred to China.

*Celestial Emperor's dynasty, culture and religion are preserved.

*All starting vanilla tributaries from 1444 are preserved at both bookmarks.Siberia & Africa[edit]

*Optionally, the player can clear out all insignificant tribes and nomads from east and west Siberia Regions. For those playing Russian countries, this will marginally ease any eastward colonial expansion.

*Unless a large country has already expanded into Subsaharan region, the saharan passes will be cleared to prevent premature expansion into the basin.Frequently Asked Questions[edit]

Q: Is this the official converter?

A: This converter has been done by the same team that specializes in other Paradox converters:EU4->Vic2, Vic2->HoI4, CK2->EU3, EU3->Vic2, Vic2->HoI3, and relatively soon, Imperator->CK3

It is not official, it does not use official converter's code (though it does recycle some data files).

This is a standalone effort (and so far, the third ck2->eu4 converter to exist).

Q: What are the main advantages between this and the official converter?

A: Speed, precision and versatility.

This converter does all that official one does, with many additions and corrections:

*Shattering any empire and using it as a base for HRE mechanics

*Shattering empire blobs in general

*Better and more natural dev shaping of provinces

*Support for granulated cultures and religions, so 'German' or 'Italian' break apart into EU4-subcultures

*True Chinese TAG swapping into ruling dynasty's TAG along with preserving the Celestial Emperor's culture and religion (instead of a simple Ming rename)

*Integration of the Western Protectorate into China's mainland

*Better provincial mappings (entirely redone to map CK 3.3 into EU4 1.30)

*Import of councilmen as advisors

*Special flags for muslim dynasties (kingdoms and empires are named after their dynasties)

*Dual bookmarks (for both conversion date and 1444)

*Full tributary support, both preserving offmap tributaries and importing CK2 ones

*Expanded EU4 religions with CK2 ones, support for these religions in Vic2 and HoI4.

*Clearing of siberian tribe and horde OPMs

*Importing of excommunicated rulers

*Fixed official converter's handling of starting cash and prestige (it could be negative)

*Fixed official converter's bug with wonder replication

*Importing of starting loans

*Guaranteed support for future EU4 releases

*And, as time passes, many more features.

Drawbacks are, and will remain for foreseeable future:

*Not integrated into the game (and will never be)

*No support for Linux or Mac (need help for that)

Q: I have an ironman save. Can it be converted?

A: Yes.

Q: Shattered world?

A: Not an issue.

Q: Random world?

A: We got your back.

Q: I had Sunset Invasion fire, is this relevant for conversion?

A: You'll find everything is in *perfect* order, according to specifications.

Q: What about mods?

A: Unless they change how cultures, religions or flags work, sure, use mods. Total map overhauls are not supported (of course), and whatever new cultures and religions are brought by the mod - you'll have to add manually in the files in configurables folder.

Q: Can you support Random New World?

A: No. We want the export to be compatible with future conversion to Vic2.

Q: How can I customize my game after converting?

A: Use the guide in after_converting.txt in the converter subdirectory. Scan through configurables/ folder and look into the myriad of configuration files - a great majority of these files is intended to be modified by users to achievespecific conversion results.Quick Troubleshooting[edit]

Q: When starting conversion, conversion immediately ends, not producing anything.

A: Inside the converter folder there is a file called VC_redist.x64.exe. This is Microsoft's C++ redistributable package the converter relies on. Install it and re-run the conversion.

Q: The generated mod was in a different language than my savegame.

A: At the moment, CK2ToEU4 only guarantees English localisation, but German, French and Spanish are nominally supported.

Q: Some/all country names appear as X25, FRA etc.

A: This is an issue with the localisation. Only English is guaranteed, and you may be running EU4 in some other localization. Also, CK2 often lacks named and adjectives for various titles in non-English languages. We try to use English localisation when this happens.

Q: I loaded my mod, but nothing changed. What's wrong?

A: Is the mod enabled in the launcher? If so, then EU4 refused to load it due to possible errors. Respond to the forum thread and upload your save, log.txt and errors.txt so we may debug.

Q: The country crashes upon selecting a country and pressing play (at map selection)

A: Upload your save, log.txt and errors.txt to the forum thread for further study.

Q: The game forbids me to select nations.

A: Upload your save, log.txt and errors.txt to the forum thread for further study.Versions and Change Logs[edit]

*1.0 d'Este - Development Prerelease

*1.0 Dunbar - Snowflake Release - 2020.08.19

*1.0 Capet - Imperial Release - 2020.06.10

*1.0 de Barcelona - Stable Release - 2020.04.27

*0.1 d'Asturias - Initial Release - 2020.04.15

Detailed change logs can be seen at linked forum threads above.Credits[edit]

Elfangor567 - Coding and Data Files

Idhrendur - Sanity Checks and Review

Mysterious_Italy - Data Files, Graphics

theosZA - Coding

Zemurin - Programming, Testing



With over two thousand mods on Steam Workshop alone, the Crusader Kings II modding community have recently passed a milestone in user-generated content. This impressive feat is a blessing for players but also a cause for paralysis: Which of these mods should one choose?

After all, even if one focuses on just the popular choices, so many other excellent mods might be overlooked.What are the best CK2 Mods?

*After The End Fan Fork (Essential)

*CK2+ (Essential)

*A Game of Thrones Mod (Essential)

*When The World Stopped Making Sense (Essential)

*Elder Kings (Essential)

*Ruler Designer Unlocked (Character)

*Rich Childhood (Character)

*Sketchy Traits (Character)

*Your Personal Castle (Mechanics)

*No Inter-religious Defensive Pacts (Mechanics)

*Improved Genetics (Mechanics)

*Patrum Scuta (Cosmetic)

*In heavens Cartographic Map (Cosmetic)

*Anime Portraits (Cosmetic)

*Medieval Music Complete (Cosmetic)HOW TO MOD CK2

For first timers wanting to modify their game, Steam Workshop has thankfully made the whole process as easy as clicking the subscribe button on the mod you want and Crusader Kings II will automatically download it and add it to its launcher. From there, the player can choose to enable or disable any mod of their choice.

As outlined in previous guides, here are some essential tips for modding a Paradox title via Steam for the first time:

*Check if the mod is up to date with the most recent patch for Crusader Kings II. Once a new expansion comes out you may have to wait a few days, weeks, or even months for bigger mods, until the mod is updated. Thankfully, CKII will give you a warning if you're about to load a mod that isn't up to date. Also, each mod will tell you on the side menu if it requires certain DLC.

*Hey, still want to play that favourite mod of yours but CKII's latest update ruins your save game? You can always roll back your CKII version to continue your campaign. Check the mod pages on Steam or the Paradox forums on how to do this since it might be different for each mod and version of the game. If all else fails, ask in the comments threads for instructions!

*Check if the mods you've selected are compatible with the other mods you've downloaded. This information is usually found on each mod's page as they usually list which mods they are able to run with.

*Remember that most mods are Ironman incompatible as they necessarily change balance. If you're achievement hunting, you'll need to find those mods that will tell you on their descriptions that they're Ironman compatible.

*Finally, sometimes it takes a while for the CKII interface to properly load the mod's latest version. Check if you have auto-updates enabled for mods and then, if you're unsure, simply relaunch the CKII launcher to check if all of the mods are present and up to date.

For mods too large for Steam, you can usually hunt for their pages on the Paradox Forums and find the instructions on how to install from there. You can also google search large mod Wikipedia’s in order to find instructions for installation.The Best CK2 Total Conversion Mods

Mods that change almost everything with a singular guiding hand. A total suite is presented to the player to try. Thankfully, CKII has some of the best Total Conversion Mods in the Paradox Stable.After the End Fan Fork

This is a 'fan continuation' of the original 'After the End' CK2 mod set in a post-apocalyptic USA. The year is 2666, and centuries have passed since a cataclysmic event knocked human civilisation back to the medieval period. You can play anywhere in North America, the Caribbean, or the northern coast of South America with over a thousand provinces, 47 different religions, and 31 different culture groups.

Our resident Paradox mod expert, Timothy, commented that he hadn't seen a mod get as fervent a fanbase since Hearts of Iron 4's Kaiserreich mod. Just the setting alone makes this worth checking out, not to mention all of the work that's gone into setting up this post-apocalyptic North America. Well worth checking out if you want something completely different. Compatible up to the latest patch & with Holy Fury.CK2+

One example of a mod not on the Steam Workshop, CK2+ is a massive overhaul that changes every aspect of the game from the map to core mechanics to events. Aimed at giving more content for the player to explore whether it's new provinces, new interactions with other characters, or new mechanics such as a factions overhaul, there is a reason it is titled CK2+.

This mod is so venerable and respectable as a total upgrade for the game that individual mods on the Steam Workshop make CK2+ compatible versions of their mods specifically to be included in this grander Crusader Kings II experience.

Follow the link above and follow the instructions on the forum to find how to install this amazing piece of work! If you like this mod, also check out the Historical Immersion Project located in the same modding sub-forum as CK2+. It's wort noting that since mid-2019 the team have been working on trying to rebuild this mod from the ground up, as it was proving too difficult to maintain in its current state.Crusader Kings 2 China Mod 5

As such, the mod hasn't been updated since mid-2019.A Game of Thrones Mod

Crusader Kings II is probably the best game in all of PC gaming to represent the intense political action of George R.R. Martin's world. This mod seeks to do the universe of A Song of Ice and Fire justice with its impressively researched bookmarks and hefty focus on character interactions. It is not only a complete overhaul of the game mechanics to match the books, but the addition of other interactions such as magic and a complex system to handle massive civil wars with multiple claimants expands the CKII experience to new heights.

Compatible up to Version 3.2.1When The World Stopped Making Sense


Delve into the “dark” ages of late antiquity and the Early Middle Ages when the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West brought about a chaos that shook the very core of European Civilization. Pushing back the start date to 476, a whole new world of content is available to the player and a rich time extension is populated by meticulously researched settings, bookmarks, and historical persons. New decisions and mechanics bring this unique part of world history to life in stunning detail.

Compatible up to Version 3.2.2.Elder Kings


Not to be outdone, the Elder Scrolls fandom has its own gorgeous and deeply detailed mod. Replete with custom events and custom mechanics, this puts the TOTAL in Total Conversion. You don't even need to be a fan of the Elder Scrolls to appreciate a dive into this dense and fully fleshed out world.

One of their most clever converted mechanics is the transformation of the Chinese Empire console from the base game into whole realms you can interact with ruled by their respective diety. One of the most polished mods out there.

Compatible with Holy Fury.The Best CK2 Character Mods

CKII is the Paradox game that focuses on characters and historical figures more than simply abstract nations or empires. A whole treatment of mods just for this central focus is a big part of modding CKII.Ruler Designer Unlocked


Finally, creating your perfect starting character has never been easier. The mod's title is self explanatory as traits are available for your custom character without any restrictions (unless you yourself place those restrictions!). Unique playthroughs and unique dynasties are finally available to the player. A simple yet incredibly rewarding mod, this is a must for anyone who wants full control over the progenitor of their dynasty.Rich Childhood


Rich is the right word for it. This mod brings to life the interim years of a young man or woman's rise to adulthood. Instead of a tiny whelp that eventually becomes a “real” character, this mod seeks to make the experience of growing up as exciting as adult life. There is no downside to this mod. The events offer a playful and intriguing encounter for the player for those (hopefully) rare times where regencies must be in charge of a young prince or princess.Sketchy Traits


Another simple mod that adds a plethora of interesting and necessary traits available for characters to have. Physical traits such as fluency and fertility as well as personality traits such as psychopathy and creativity are some of the additions that puts another dimension to the already character-oriented nature of CKII. Whether it's seeking extra bonuses or looking to generate a compelling narrative, this mod helps to add texture to the character trait system.Trait Softcap Exterminated


All that hard work making all the “right” decisions to develop the character and personality you've always wanted is now finally preserved! CKII intrinsically has a hidden limit for character traits and this mod simply eliminates this cap. With this mod, a player's actions finally stick and personalities culminate in grandiose and memorable characters. Available here.The Best CK2 Mechanical Mods

Modding can be as simple as changing game mechanics to suit one's needs or elevate gameplay. Here are some of the best in the genre.Your Personal Castle


Isn't it strange that your capital holding is almost completely indistinguishable from anyone else's? Your Personal Castle addresses this issue by allowing the player to build bonus-creating additions to their home holding. Whether it's secret passages or studious libraries, not only are these great for customizing one's capital experience, but the mod also provides associated events to each addition to the castle that immerses the player in what it means to build a grand stronghold. By far one of the most popular mods out there!No Inter-religious Defensive Pacts


A lesser known and small mod, but one I believe that truly makes sense. This mod disallows defensive pacts to form between different religions. There has been plenty of discussion about the game-mechanic known as defensive pacts while some saying it artificially hampers gameplay by gaming the system to resist the player. While other mods do away with defensive pacts in totality, I believe this small mod finds the better middle ground. Defensive pacts will form, but at least you won't have to worry about Richard the Lionheart and Saladin somehow joining forces to stop you. While some players might want that challenge, this mod is for those who want a slightly more historical treatment of expansion.Improved Genetics


Using scientific data to bring more realism to CKII's genetics is the stated purpose of this mod and while it's a subtle change (since CKII's genetics system is not that far from 'reality'), this mod actually helps to make heredity in the game more reliable, stable, and predictable (thank you, science). The creator is not just versed in Mendelian genetics, but has factored in polygene inheritance for a truly fascinating if not invisible experience of heredity.The Best CK2 Cosmetic Mods

What would be a mod list without some gorgeous aesthetic options to choose from? Here are some of the most pleasing offerings available.Patrum Scuta


What would the Middle Ages be without the glorious beauty of heraldry? This mod takes this basic premise and turns it into a rich aesthetic experience. This is not simply a graphic pack that adds hundreds of new heraldic styles as well as enriching the present options, but this mod also implements them in a historically researched way.

True to history coats of arms are restored as well as dynamically generated crests are in line with researched records. This also presents a plethora of different options for custom dynasties that the only drawback is that it makes the selection menu for a heraldic shield over a thousand clicks long!In heavens Cartographic Map


While Paradox's choice to present an abstracted three dimensional contour map is beautiful enough as it is, this mod brings the player back to a cartographical setting. It is as if the player is pulled into a map room with his or her closest advisers reviewing the state of the world on a map worthy of the timeframe. Let this graphical upgrade help to immerse you into the world of CKII!Anime Portraits


I was surprised to discover it years ago and I was ashamed to admit that I loved it. Who knew that Crusader Kings II could be a unique anime experience? Oddly perfect portraits for every type of character and character condition make this mod both dazzling and frightening. Even if one is not a fan of the style, it stands as a testament to an impressive graphical upgrade. While not everyone's cup of tea, it also serves as an indication that there are plenty of mods out there that modify and improve character portraits to suit the player.Medieval Music Complete


We can never overlook the rich musical history of the Middle Ages. From chants to poetry, this mod is one example of the plethora of auditory enhancements that reintroduces a bit of history to the game. While Paradox provides impressive music for its games, it commits a crime by not including period songs like it used to do for games like Europa Universalis II. Mods like this fix this disparity.

What are your favourite CK2 Mods? Cisco jabber for mac 11.9 download. Let us know in the comments!CommentsRelated Posts from Strategy GamerThe Complete Crusader Kings 2 DLC Guide06 May 20204Crusader Kings 2: Holy Fury - Fuel for Thought25 Oct 20180Paradox, It's Time for Crusader Kings 2 to End05 Apr 20186FeaturedThe Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods (So Far)09 Sep 20200Crusader Kings III Review31 Aug 20201Black Lives Matter - How we can all help10 Jun 20200Upcoming Strategy Games 202002 Sep 20206Crusader Kings 2 China ModCrusader Kings 3 Characters - Our Top Picks for Interesting Starts09 Sep 20201Wasteland 3 Review08 Sep 20200Iron Harvest Review07 Sep 20200Crusader Kings 2 Mods SteamTop ArticlesThe Best Civilisations in Civilization 603 Aug 20202The Most Authentic Total War Games11 Jul 20202





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